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Respirar hondo, liberar el aire, oxigenar el cuerpo,

tomar conciencia de nuestro ser: esto es bailar.

     Darse a la tierra, tomar impulso,

arañar el aire y flotar por un segundo, esto es bailar.

El propósito de la danza es un tributo a la vida,

es un aprendizaje constante,

porque cada cuerpo tiene un ritmo, un tiempo y un lenguaje.

Nadie baila solo cuando danza consigo mismo.



Take a deep breath, release the air, oxygenate the body,

being aware of your spirit: this is dance.

 Connect to the ground, gain momentum,

split the air and float for a second, this is dance.

The purpose of dance is to pay tribute to life.

Dance is a constant learning process.

Every body has its own cadence, time and language.

Dancing is connecting yourself to your inner rythm.

You are not dancing alone when you are dancing with yourself.


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